guy to cook: Hey man, sweet fucking shrimp!
Labels: overheard
Recently folks have been asking me to blog things. Or they tell me to blog something very specific to blog about. "Oh, you should blog about how that guy is annoying," that kind of thing. Well, this blog is not about what I want to blog about, it's about the people. Whoever you are.
Labels: links, surrogate blogging
I try not to be a super-grammar Johnny. I almost never correct flubbed phrases, whether written or spoken. Firstly, it's not my place to be policing everyone's sentence structure. That's a LOT of work and I am exceedingly lazy. Secondly, I butcher the language often enough. And once you police and then start butchering, all the people you so correctly corrected will come crawling out of the woodwork to rub your face in your use of "our" for "are" (or "are" for "our" - I do these all the time for some reason). Thricely, should I be so presumptuous so as to want to correct someone, the nature of the English language dissuades me. You see, there are 1.5 billion grammatical rules in English. I do take interest in the language and various rules out of general curiosity, but my knowledge is FARRRRR from comprehensive. But for argument's sake, let's say I know most of these grammatical rules. Knowing those rules is all well and good, but that's only half the battle. Do I know the 1.75 billion EXCEPTIONS to those rules - the other half of said battle? Not so much. So you see, as soon as one tries to sound authoritative on the subject, here comes an exception to smack them right across the face.
Labels: advice, cautionary tale, office
lady: Well, I'm just gonna put 50 dollars aside so he can take me out to dinner. Then I'm gonna beat his ass.
Labels: overheard
Couple of comic-type links to pass along to you, dear reader. I found both of them via Neatorama.
Labels: links
Notify Guinness. I shall be listed under marathon computer dorkery.
Labels: office
I was watching 24 last night. I watched the first season and then parts of the second season. Back then it was kind of understandable that the higher-up government types didn't get on-board with Jack's crazy conspiracy theories and seeming clairvoyance.
Labels: entertainment, tv
7:45 a.m.: pineapple scraps. No stain.
Labels: awkward roger, office
Sarah tells me (well, not directly, but via the magic of blogs - oh, Sarah, RS2 is a lurker! Root her out!) that is it "De-lurking" week or "De-lurk" week or "Durk" week, whatever. The theory is that everyone who reads my blog (currently 16 of you all day, every day according to sitemeter) and doesn't comment regularly (or at all) is supposed to give a shout out and reveal yourself to the tens of people around here. Not only do you get the innate satisfaction of durking, but you also have the chance that'll I'll like you and I'll buy you a dummy.
Labels: boring, miscellany
The office mullet is no more. Office Mulletee has flirted with disaster before. Pruning his mullet to a dangerous, near non-mullet state, feathering the top, disguising the mullet's length and width. Was he obscuring the mullety goodness? I don't know, but the mullet would have none of that insolence and soon returned to its full glory. Long the days I thought her say, but now . . . now, alas, she is gone. I called her Susan.
Labels: office
I am tired, my peeps. I haven't been getting enough sleep is all. And I have a headache. The number one exacerbator for this conditions is staring at a computer screen, eyes strained, brain scrambled. You can look it up; it's science. I also have a bit of the coldsees - sniffling and whatnot. And it's giving me the cottonmouth really bad. Not sure what that's all about. I haven't been taking any decongestants, but all the fluid has been sucked from me bulbous head.
Somebody brought in cookies . . . like a suitcase full. It's this (at least) 2' x 1' tupperware container WITH a handle. That makes for some serious cookie carry-age.
Labels: office