Monday, August 27, 2012

Becoming Crossfit?

So, I've joined this gym near my house.  This is a departure for me.  I've never been "gym guy".  Not that I'm too cool or cool at all, but I've always preferred working out on my own and feeling the burning shame of failure with only my own person.

Crossfit is not like that.

What is it?  You can read all about it here.   My barebones-simple explanation is that it focusing on functional movements, without neglecting building strength.  It strives to create strong athletes who would be competent in any endeavor.  You don’t do much standing around; the workouts are short-ish but intense and sometimes make you feel like you're going to die.

It also has a strong Olympic lifting component, which I’ve always wanted to try.
But the olympic lifts are more like learning a golf swing than a bench press, so I've never been willing to try on my own.  This was wise.

The coaching is a big advantage.  You’re getting small-group training every time out and coach Dave is the real deal.  He's even complimented my "tight snatch."  Joking aside, there a lot of criticisms out on the etherweb about the deficiencies of Crossfit.  I think the root of those criticisms is most likely poor coaching.  Something to keep in mind if you decide to check it out.

Exercises are modified for your abilities.  I'm always rocking a band or strap or walker.  It really can be for everyone.

OH!  And people root you on!  Well, provided they're done and you're not (usually the case for me).  It's kind of embarrassing.  “C’mon Roger!  Keep going!”  “Ok.  Right after I kick my lung out of the way here.”

I’ve also been going at 0600  - which is early, yo.  But, so far, so good.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

linuxin' ain't easy

Why do companies hate me for using Linux? I have been happily downloading MP3s off Amazon for years. At first I used their downloader and then through pymazon. I just bought an album earlier today and was met with this nonsense:
Install the Amazon MP3 Downloader We apologize — Linux is not supported. Unless you already have the Amazon MP3 Downloader installed, you will have to download songs individually from Amazon Cloud Player. JavaScript must also be enabled.
I sent them an angry email which surely has Beszos shaking in his 100,000 dollar alligator nutsack boots.
Why do you hate me? Did it cripple Amazon when I was able to *gasp* download a WHOLE ALBUM of songs at one time? I hope you realize that if I have to go log into windows somewhere there is now no reason for me not to use iTunes for my music purchases. Boo on you. Roger
I apologize that this is the first thing I've posted in so, so long, but it ticks me off! And I want all of you 2 to be outraged and tweet them into capitulation. Go forth my winged friends!

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