thanks mom
We all know I'm a big fan of people bringing in goodies for the whole office to enjoy. That glorious week of processed pastries will be fondly remember for all times. Today I came into the office and found a slightly different snack . . . a bagful of raw vegetables, mostly peppers and other sundry greens. Written on the bag, "Help Yourselves!" A fucking exclamation point??!! Don't roll into the office with some left-over vegetables and then go throwing around exclamation points like you're the Santa Claus of Christmas in September. Especially when you don't even mitigate your implication of my fatness with a nice ranchy dipping sauce. I'll thank you to limit your exclamation points to treats that are mini and powdered.
The nerve of some people!
You could get them back by bringing ex-lax brownies into work. But then you'd be exacting revenge on more than just the perpetrator...But think of all the blog material you'd have.
9:47 PM
That's just sick and wrong. Whoever did that should be fired.
8:28 AM
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