Thursday, September 22, 2005

thought . . .

Have you ever unitentionally told a really hilarious joke and then you're the last one to get it? You're delivery will be exquisitely deadpan because, well, you have no idea you're telling a joke. A bit of advice - don't confess. People won't think you're funny anymore. Instead, mentally credit your hilarious joke to your subconscious. That's all your subconscious does all day anyway, write jokes. Most of them are garbage, but every once in a while it'll hit the jackpot . . . it's about time subconscious. Shutup Roger.


Blogger NewYorkMoments said...

Roger, please tell me what drugs you take & where you get them. I'd like some.

9:43 PM

Blogger roger said...

It seems like a good idea, but then all our blogs would be exactly the same and would have the same hallucinogenic effects.

1:25 AM


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