Monday, September 12, 2005

step down from the ledge

I am not home this week. Now relax, I clearly have an internet connection and am able to post on my blog. Unfortunately, I am at IBM's Technical Conference in Orlando where I'm learning about DB2 (IBM's database product). The boss likes to send me to this probably to seek reprieve from my hilarious banter and the side-splitting and eye watering that said banter ensures.

The good news is that I'll be able to post while I'm here. The bad news is that, due to the environs, all my posts will be in the form of SQL statements:


Ok, I know nobody got that, but whatever, just a shout out to my techie peeps. So far I've had two meals and one seminar. I'm liking that ratio. Actually, it's a lot like college: a lot of eating and drinking occasionally interrupted by attending a class. This whole place is like one giant college for super-dorks. I'm serious. I'm like the coolest guy here.

To keep the ball rolling on reliving the college years, I'm off to take a nap.

p.s. I spell checked this entry and blogger doesn't have "blog" in its dictionary . . . WTF?


Blogger NewYorkMoments said...

Wow Roger...Becareful, because my angry fishman's knife guy is down there also, peddaling his wares. Don't cut anyone off with your rental car. Come to think of it, don't cut anyone off in the hallways. And if you do, be sure not to say, "F*ck your mother!"

2:12 PM

Blogger Joe said...

C'mon Roger. You're always the coolest guy in the room.

9:00 AM

Blogger roger said...

NYM: At this conference? I don't want to get gutted like a fish.

Joe: In that room, yes. I plan on being there often.

1:09 PM


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