before I pass out on my laptop
This isn't the POST post, on this, but yes! we are parents! We had a baby boy. Details to follow. I am having an anonymity concern about putting the name out. Hmm, maybe I'll do it in a photo so you can't text search. Not that all of your aren't my facebook friends, but you know for the strangers that might happen here!
Anyway, cuddlebunny was born 3/2/10 @ 9:53 am, 8 lbs. 14 oz., 20". Mom and baby are doing well. Dad is freaking out! Really, I am well too, but I did outcry him in his first 24 hours. He was crankypants today though and is now winning during his lifetime.
I leave you with this. There is a diaper that has a yellow line on the outside that TURNS BLUE when the baby has peed. Diapers just went TRON on your ass! (This could be a 20-year old invention that I might have missed in my avoidance of diaper changing.)
Labels: baby talk, BEST BABY EVER, cuddlebunnies, theMonica
Hooray for a marginally clever baby boy!
12:25 AM
Holy crow! Roger's a daddy now!
Many congratulations!!
1:17 AM
BABY!!!! Hurray!
1:30 AM
Hooray! Congratulations!
12:51 PM
Yay!!! congrats. Can't wait to see pictures! Congrats to you and the Monica and cuddlebunny!!!
7:09 PM
Congratualtions and good work!
8:22 PM
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