moe szyslak
Is a contractor that sits next to me. WorkBuddy left work, leaving me buddiless (at least in terms of him) and his cube occupantless. I so lonely. I have another workBuddy, but I'm not sure if he's ready to be bestWorkBuddy. These things take time and a deft hand (there is an obstacle course, written exam, drinking portion), neither of which I have as the black cloud of melancholy hovers over my cube.
At any rate, the body was not yet cold when the new contractor moved in. This guy only looks like Moe from one side. The side on which he claims he was run into by a bike (the kind you pedal). He has the hugest shiner/tumor above his left eye, creating a very pronounced residual crest. I have a small gap between a pillar and the cube wall through which I can view the little shop of horrors that is his face. And view I have. Every couple of minutes - peek-a-boo! It's grotesque, really, but damn is it intriguing. It's sure to be a special on TLC anyday now. "The Girl with Radioactive Pigtails," "The Man Who Ate Half of Nevada," "The Contractor Whose Face Exploded." I am contacting their producers today.
Anyway, reference the picture below for an idea of what I'm looking at here . . . spectacular.

I sometimes hire people because of their freak factor.
I hired a girl last year that I dubbed "little head" because she literally had the smallest head I'd ever seen on an adult human.
I also hired someone who looked exactly like Mr. Tumnus - except he WASN'T wearing any makeup.
I enjoy the freak factor.....keeps it interesting.
9:32 PM
Oddly enough I was just at his blog. I won't even get into the things he wrote about you other than that he called you a Casey Blake fan.
Now is the obstacle course before or after the drinking portion?
11:49 AM
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