Monday, October 17, 2005

only a wooden shack away

I spent much of the weekend in solitude. Friday I was actually involved in doing "work" for my job. Where my "work" consisted of calling some people and waiting for them to call back and ultimately deciding I didn't have to go into the office or turn on my computer. This is my favorite kind of work - the kind where I don't do anything. However, this obligation prevented me from making any plans for the evening. By the time I was assured I wouldn't be going into the office, it was too late to scrounge up any friends. No matter. I entertained myself. And boy was I hilarious. Particularly when I told myself this joke I had heard the other day: A termite walks into a bar and asks, "Where's the bartender?" You think it doesn't sound funny, huh? Whatever, guess you had to be me.

Saturday, I had this insane compulsion to clean. I know that I promised I wouldn't, but apparently I was subconsciously practicing reverse psychology on myself. (That's some shit that insane pervert Freud never even thought of.) True, people were coming over, but they were people I had priorly not cleaned for, many, many times. (I hope the lack of manly aroma didn't perturb them.) On the plus side, I only cleaned the living room and scoffed at the uncleanliness elsewhere.
Sunday I went to a bar and watched football - by myself. Unbeknowst to me, I was at the tail end of the official weekend for stiffing roger over. That's fine. I don't care; a lot of cool and successful people were complete loners, like Ted Kaczynski.


Blogger NewYorkMoments said...

Roger, can you use that reverse psychology to clean my place? I recently lost my cleaning guy AKA boytoy.

6:46 PM

Blogger Joe said...

You should've come to NYC Roger. You could have spied on theMonica and gotten stiffed by an entirely different group of people.

"I entertained myself" has an entirely different meaning in my house.

8:14 AM

Blogger roger said...

NYM: Cleaning your apartment would be stupid.

Joe: I have only been once and folks were generally too cool to talk to me. But they'll get their comeuppance!

HDD: I'm usually real excited at first, being able to do "whatever I want," but 15 minutes later I'm lonely.

4:59 PM


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