Thursday, October 13, 2005

thought . . .

The problem with "Fruit on the Bottom" is the accompanying "Yogurt Snot on the Top".


Blogger NewYorkMoments said...

I just cannot understand how it's possible that you don't write restaurant reviews...

That was a missed career opportunity, Roger.

8:15 AM

Blogger Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

Hmmm. I never made that connection. You are a genius.

8:24 AM

Blogger Joe said...

Ironically, I just finished a fruit yogurt. I never realized before now that I only eat it to get to the fruit on the bottom.

You're like my zen master now, Roger.

8:46 AM

Blogger roger said...

NYM: I don't understand foodstuffs. I'll leave that to HDD.

Sarah: ha ha. It is one of the great scientific accomplishments of this century.

Joe: Maybe you could dump it out and eat it backwards?

HDD: I know. Another company rewarding themselves for cutting corners.

1:45 PM


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