Wednesday, June 07, 2006

ameliorating the pain of my absence

I performed a personal biathon of recreational sports yesterday. First I had a roller hockey game. The thing about the roller hockey goalie is that since the game is not played on ice, it gets a little toasty wearing all the gear. And by toasty I mean I nearly drown in my own sweat by game's end. (Nice imagery, I know.) After that loss I went and played some pick-up basketball. Although I finished with a "winning" record, since it's pick-up, it did not emotionally offset the earlier, for serious, loss.

You might wonder where the post is going and how it got so bad so quickly. Well, due to last night's activities, I had the darndest time waking up this morning. My eyes were bloodshot like I'd been on a 3-week bender; my throat was dry; I had a strange pain in my jaw and general weakness throughout the rest of my body. That wasn't the worst part. I've come to realize that today my brain is operating at 3% of capacity. That's not 3% of the entire brain, but 3% of the supposed 10% our brains function at. 3% of 10% of 100%, that's like, not a lot of brain. See what I mean? Normally I bust out fraction math for kicks - in my sleep. Sleep. I'd say the longest I can sleep before someone walks behind me is 1 minute of every 15. Come Friday I should have a pretty good nap in.


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