Wednesday, May 17, 2006

thought . . .

Whenever I see someone in a neck brace, I assume they're faking for litigious reasons. Thank you Brady Bunch.


Blogger djn said...

How funny you bring this up. My daughter told me she watched the Brady Bunch the other morning. I asked her what episode it was. She started by telling me about how they were in an accident and I interrupted her and said, "and they go to court and drop a briefcase and the guy turns his head really fast so they knew he was faking it". She was so amazed that I remembered that. It must be the most remembered episode of all shows.

1:29 PM

Blogger NewYorkMoments said...

I was always afraid my sister was going to steal my trophies.

1:29 PM

Blogger Nukie said...

I'm afraid of playing football toss

2:24 PM


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