Monday, May 08, 2006

the revenge of casey blake

Comments to this blog are sent to my email account. When I receive the email, I know that it's a comment, but I don't know what post it's associated with. Usually the comments come soon after the posts, but not always. A couple of weeks ago, I found this bouquet of flowers in my email:

I bet you feel stupid now you moron. Go back to whatever it is you get paid minimum wage to do and leave the sports talk to people with iq's higher than their age. You are just jealous b/c you can't even get paid to follow the horses in the parade. Idiot.

For the record, I would NOT take minimum wage to follow horses. There has to be some kind of premium for that type of work. Regardless, the comment was left by someone named Rhonda. Now, RS2 (Roger's sister #2) is also known as Rhonda. (Although all legal documents bear "RS2".) I was like, "Wow. I pissed Rhonda off so much that she's forgotten her own name! And what is all this business about parades? Was the circus just in town?"

I clicked through on the link to see the source of RS2's discontent. The comment was attached to my long ago screed against Indians right-fielder Casey Blake. I wrote it in July 2005 after watching Casey hit ten for four months. But now, Casey is awesome, so Rhonda took the opportunity (almost a year later) to call me out on it.

It would really embarrass me if Casey Blake had read that post. I'm very sensitive about such things. In fact, as you can tell by my response, I felt bad that Rhonda was so pissed. I mean, she even created a blogger profile just so she could call me an idiot - twice. I may kid, but if someone were really upset because of me, I might cry.

So Casey and Rhonda (if you really are two different people), I'm sorry I hated you so much last year. I promise, if you keep your average about .270, I'll never say a bad word about you again.


Blogger Bronwyn said...

Can the rest of us say bad things about them? Not that I know who either of them are, but I always like the chance to be mean.

2:05 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wasn't rs2...Now if it was Pat Tabler that would be another story.

11:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, internets, your sea of stupidity gets deeper everyday.

11:23 AM

Blogger djn said...

I believe that's what's called being a Monday Morning Quarterback. I know we're talking baseball and quarterbacking is football but the idea is relevant.

1:08 PM

Blogger Joe said...

Water finds its own level and I'm sure that young Mr. Blake will level out in the .260 - .270 range this year with about 25 HRs.

On a side note, is that following elephants job still open?

10:19 AM

Blogger roger said...

May-B: By all means, feel free.

RS2: We've all had a thing for Pat Tabler at one time or another.

Dana: I would like to think I provide much of that depth - if only by displacement.

djn: Totally. He had way fewer touchdowns last year.

Joe: I will gladly take that. Maybe he can pitch as well.

10:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blake is a twat so who cares

7:44 PM


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