Tuesday, May 09, 2006

so . . .

Did David Blaine die yesterday? Please? Ok, maybe not die but be rendered incapable of attempting any more acts of derring-do - at least for like 5 years. I was somewhat interested in seeing how they would stretch 9 minutes of breath holding into 2 hours of television, but instead I ate an orange. Making that last 2 hours really took some doing.


Blogger Nukie said...

I'm not sure about David Blaine, but if it took you 9 minutes to eat the orange and you held your breath while eating it, I'm thinking you can take his place. How are you at levitation?

8:34 PM

Blogger the shrewness said...

sorry to be the bearer of bad news... but blaine is still alive. no world record though. thats my consolation prize!

9:06 AM

Blogger Joe said...

The best part about the whole stunt was the way they turned the Lincoln Center area into Euclid Avenue for the event.

10:20 AM

Blogger coach said...

yes he's dead . as dead as the cleveland cavs !

11:39 AM

Blogger roger said...

Nukie: Excellent at levitation. It's on the resume.

Shrewness: Yah, 2 minutes short, WTF? Almost like it was a publicity stunt or something.

Joe: That would require LOTS of abandoned building space - or facades of abandoned buildings. It makes me sad actually.

coach: Wait. Dead like not dead and will be around to annoy us for years on end. Are you saying the Cavs are gonna win the series?

10:33 PM


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