This playoff basketball thing is making it hard for me to focus on other stuff, like my beloved blog. Let me tell you, I was there and luckily for us all this is a written medium and not a fancy audio blog, because the voice (normally of a sexy/musky timbre (ok, that's a lie)) is a little gone right now. And all my energy is focused on trying to hone my telekinetic skills so that I can control the basketball with my mind. But, as always I will persevere.
For now, enjoy my thumbs-up in front of the free Witness poster (NOT the t-shirt - dang!) I receieved, and if you're so inclined, gander at this other dumb Witness-related joke I made over at the other blog - and thus endeth this incredibly long link. You know, if you haven't been there already.

Hey, my thumb is curvy.
1) I am jealous of your playoff tickets.
2) I'm glad I read this post this morning. It makes the "Witness" reference over at "Draft Day Suit" make more sense.
6:47 AM
OH. I didn't think about that. We are so inundated with that campaign here that I forgot that it's possible not to know about it. Well, I guess chalk it up to another post I've written that no one will understand.
9:58 AM
From now on every time someone asks "Can I get a witness?", I'm going to send them your way.
5:43 PM
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