Wednesday, October 05, 2005

door-to-door ego boosting

So, I had an Avon-type lady come to my door and start a-ringing. Usually I won't answer if I'm not expecting someone, but she was persistent enough for me to go down and check it out. I answer the door and the following ensued:

Lady: Is there a lady of the household?

Ok, good start, she doesn't think I'm a chick. Was the Cheeto-stained wifebeater too much of a giveaway?

Me: No, no lady. Just me.

myMonica wasn't around and I didn't think the woman downstairs would appreciate me pawning off Mary Kay on her.

Lady: Oh.

Disappointment distorting her face.

Lady: Well, do you buy like aftershave or deodorant?

Well, I do buy deodorant. Apparently I'm not wearing enough of it.


Blogger Joe said...

Next time, just start asking her questions in return. For example:

"Who told you that lipstick looked good on you?"

"Do you always wear that much eyeshadow?"

"Have you considered a girdle?"

9:00 AM

Blogger NewYorkMoments said...

At least she didn't ask you if you wanted to test out the shades of lipstick. A nice orange-red would have set off the cheetos in your wife-beater.

10:06 AM


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