they shoot blogs, don't they?
Not when you neglect them. Only when they have rabies. And so far, no foaming at the mouth in these parts.
So, I am going to Vegas in a few short hours. Wish me luck. Actually, wish me money. You could say I'd be "lucky" not to get hit by the monorail. So, I want you to wish money for me. Go.
I had planned on trying to stay up late in order to make it easy to sleep on the plane tomorrow. I can plane sleep, but let's not kid, it's not like a California King resting on a cloud in a breezy 68-degree room. It's more like, some dude's elbow is in your side and and maybe has halitosis. He does, not his elbow. I can catch some Zs, but then some yutz is asking me if I'd like a soft drink. Oh, and I'm not accepting anything. We're flying not Southwest so I know all the flight crew moonlight as grifters and pick-pockets. (How does spellcheck not know what a grifter is? Has no one seen Paper Moon? WTF?)
At any rate, I thought I'd check in so you'd know I didn't suddenly become famous. Although, I am going to Vegas. I might end up with a variety show or some such. These things happen, people.
Labels: miscellany, vegas
Fresh breath or bad breath? hope this helps you. I had tonsil stones and awful bad breath. My friend told me to check Oraltech Labs as it helped him get rid of bad breath and his post nasal drip. I've been following Oraltech Labs advice for about 4 months now and I feel much better, also at work people are not avoiding me anymore so it seems to have cured my bad breath as well, so good luck.
11:26 PM
Spammed! Oh no.
And what the aitch are tonsil stones? Man, I don't even want to know.
Anyway, best of money on the Vegas trip, roger. I'm crossing my fingers for you.
4:57 PM
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