Monday, September 22, 2008

i would already hate us and we haven't moved in yet . . .

So, theMonica made me take a picture of us in front of the "Sold" sign on our new home. (Did I tell you we found a house?) Our northernly next door neighbor was in his driveway while our real estate agent tried in vain to get our camera to take pictures with a dead battery. All I could think about was how if I were the neighbor I would have been running inside to tell theMonica that our new neighbors were cheeseballs. Not that I'm above such whimsy. I am totally a cheeseball just not in the "taking a picture next to the sold sign of your new home" mold.

Anyway, we are trying to negotiate an extended stay for the sign so we can have a proper photoshoot. I am going to bring the giant 2008 numbers so we can pose on those with our chins resting on our crossed hands.



Blogger Soph said...

Aha! Loser, kidding, if we could find a freaking house here in CA I'd gladly take the sold cheeseball photo whilst simultaneously singing Alleluia!

Congrats by the way, on the house. When do you move in?

We'd be lucky to have neighbors like you & theMonica - for sure better then the vatos out here in Mexifornia <-- I can say that I am totally Mexican.

3:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the house!

9:49 PM

Blogger roger said...

Soph: Totally. I mean, I don't really mind, but could we do it in the darkness of night so no one would know? We get the keys tonight and plan to move in the 12th (we're going on vacation next week). Awww, thanks.

Thanks Ky!

7:09 AM

Blogger Joe said...


Can't wait for the combination housewarming/blogger sleep over event.

10:49 AM

Blogger Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

Congrats on the house, you homeowner, you.

7:33 AM


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