Monday, June 20, 2005

private eyes are watching you

According to this story blogging at work can get your ass canned. I read it and was particularly struck by the title, "Warning: Your Clever Little Blog Could Get You Fired." Not only was it disparaging, but also seemingly directed at my blog. I mean what better way to falsely compliment me than by saying, "Clever little blog you have there," by that meaning, "Not only does your blog suck, but it's also meaningless."

Now, I rarely blog at work, but if you do, be sure to include such ass-covering tidbits as:

  • I only like blogging during work on my lunch hour. Blogging at any other time harms productivity and would cause decreased throughput. And that would be bad and upset co-worker morale. I would never do that.
  • My company, which shall remain nameless, is the finest organization I have yet heard of. I know this from all the internet research I do on other companies while I'm not at work.
  • My boss is super-handsome AND smart. Talk about a deadly combo!

The story also says that more than 8 million adults in the US have created blogs. Man, stop wasting time here. You need to get reading.


Blogger Joe said...

Apparently the link is user sensitive. I clicked on it and the title read "You Blog is Barely Readable: And It Could Still Get You Fired."

4:56 PM

Blogger roger said...

Uh-huh, it's like a lovefest over there!

4:43 PM


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