Monday, December 18, 2006

the beta, she teases

Blogger has a beta version that has a couple of new features. One of which is tags or "labels" as they call them. To get on the beta you need a google account (check) AND you have to be invited to upgrade. (A little "Upgrade to Beta" appears on blogger's dashboard.)

I got the invite earlier; I was totally pumped. I hit yes. I took the tour of new features. I watched Sylvia Brown tell some people that their daughter was shot when she actually collapsed in her bedroom. Then, I had to confirm my password with blogger to initiate the upgrade process. I do that and then beta says, "Sorry. We can only upgrade a certain number of people at a time and now is not your time."

So if you're on blogger and you're waiting for the upgrade beware her siren song.


Blogger Ria said...

After being totally disappointed with the beta version of hotmail I tried a few months ago, and then eventually switched back to the old style, I'm a little gun-shy about trying beta blogging.

10:57 PM

Blogger Queen of West Procrastination said...

Yeah, beta's rejected me, too. And then it looks like I'm resisting change my not switching to beta. No, really! I want to be a sheep! I want to obsessively label everything! It's just that Beta hates me.

8:07 PM


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