Tuesday, April 18, 2006

mysteries of the unexplained

So I'm watching the Indians beat the bejeezus out of the Baltimore Orioles (Tivo delayed). Granted it's 13-0 and announcers run out of things to talk about, but Rick Manning just unleashed this gem on the world, "The Orioles will be glad when this game is over."

He went on to make the following observations:
  • "Hitler - not a nice guy."

  • "Cutting off your own finger's not as fun as it sounds."

  • "Husker Du Rules." [They were actually playing Husker Du over the PA, or maybe it was Sugar.]

I started this post with such high hopes, but I have failed us all.


Blogger Bronwyn said...

If it helps, we could all come with way lower expectations and then just be pleasantly surprised when you don't fail. Does that help?

1:23 AM

Blogger roger said...

may-b: Yes, it would help. Keep it in mind everyone.

ky: You are too kind.

7:59 PM


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