hittin' the links
Because you will undoubtedly be reading this on Monday morning at work (if you love me) and further dispelling doubt, you will be bored, I offer you these links. That's right friends. It's time to update you, once again, on stuffs to read, or readin' stuffs, as I like to call 'em. Not to be confused with eatin' stuffs. If you eat these blogs, you will probably be satiated, but indigestion would surely follow.
Monkey Business: Interesting observations abound, lots of funny family stories and plenty of posts explaining the differences between the sexes. Though I would prefer more monkeys, but that generally applies to all things and should not be construed as a criticism of the blog.
Minuscule Bibbles: Once world-famous, then blackmailed out of existence and now, reborn, better than ever. You may remember him as Nukie, but like the phoenix, he was burned up in a blog fire and has reemerged as . . . Bubba. Name choice aside, if you like my blog, you are a sad fool and you will probably like his blog. Don't get too attached though. It always hurts when his blogs disappears. Don't hurt us again Bubba.
Reality Check: What can I say about buggeringcrapmonkies . . . not much actually . . . purple monkey dishwasher? I'm not sure what the URL means, but I like the blog. May-B is Canadian. I'm not going to lie to you, sometimes the Canadians scare and confuse me and I'll read an entire post and have no idea what she's talking about. But then, it's true all Canadians are nice, and someone will explain to me that Tim Horton's is a doughnut shop and not a guy that sells drugs.
I'm so happy! My site is on your page!! I feel very proud - and slightly freaked out that your readership (okay the 4 people who talk to you) might visit me. Neat.
12:10 AM
Thanks for the blog tips (which are almost as good as your movie tips). That said, we need to talk about your fascination with monkeys.
7:45 AM
May-b-ware, it's like 6 people and they're very discerning.
Joe: I do have a life-long love affair (not of the literal kind) with monkeys. Not sure why. Probably because they're so damn cool.
8:34 AM
Hey, thanks Roger!
I love monkeys too. Love them. Monkeys are funny!
9:02 AM
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