Wednesday, March 22, 2006

365 posts + 1

If you're ever stranded on a desert isle, you can now enjoy my blog for one full year - provided you're not so bored that you would read more than one post per day. Really there are better ways for you to spend your time, such as fashioning a ship out of coconuts or making an imaginary friend out of a volleyball.

Maybe I will publish a Marginally-Clever-A-Day Calendar. Some of the posts would fit quite nicely. Others I would need to cut the fat and get to the point faster. Or else we're talking, tiny, tiny font.

As I imply in the title, THIS post right here actually makes 366 total, so you're all set for a leap year. I've done my part; time for one of you to get stranded.


Blogger Alan said...

I'm supposed to go on a three hour tour this weekend...

6:19 PM

Blogger NewYorkMoments said...

You could use a super tiny font for the long posts and then sell the calendar with a magnifying glass.

6:44 PM

Blogger NewYorkMoments said...

You could use a super tiny font for the long posts and then sell the calendar with a magnifying glass.

6:44 PM

Blogger Joe said...

Personally, I tend to meditate on each of your posts for an entire day, so the calendar would be perfect for me.

9:19 AM

Blogger the shrewness said...

cant wait for post #367!

10:14 PM

Blogger roger said...

NYM/Nukie: Don't make me stop this blog!

Joe/Shrewness: Really, too kind.

10:00 AM


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