Monday, November 07, 2005


I think I just invented that post title as an intentional convention. Googling seemed to reveal a number of spelling errors, but I will claim this little bit of hilarity all for myself. Even though I long ago realized I have never had a unique, clever thought I am lazy enough to believe I invented this. At any rate, oh the irony of getting such a document entitled with such an error that was WAY off point. It would be delightful fun. And oh how the emails would fly! I've been working in a cube for too long.

On point, here's a list. Enjoy the itemization:
  • Speaking of randomness, someone reached my blog with a search on "sonic and amy having sex." I have no idea what this means. I will not investigate further.

  • I took off work last Friday AND stayed home. However, I was unable to avoid the guilt of missing missing work a couple of weeks ago. Two outta three ain't bad . . . sing it Meatloaf.

  • My printer is hard at work printing out the 22 pages of channel listings I now enjoy with Directv. Although the font is pseudo-senior, you gotta love 22 pages of channels.

  • This post is brought to you by Tivo which has recorded the Cavs game while I typed away.

  • List should always contain 3, 5 or 10 items.


Blogger Joe said...

Sorry, I was just here looking for pics of sonic and amy having sex. It seemed rude not to comment, though.

10:57 AM


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