Saturday, February 05, 2005


Did you ever have an idea and then lose it? You can't remember what the idea was, but you do remember that it was really fucking brilliant. And you think and you think, but nothing comes to mind. It's upsetting and unsettling. This was like the best idea you ever hand. It was so elegant and smart and clever, maybe even really clever, but now it's gone and if you weren't so stupid, you probably would have remembered it.

Days pass. And then, out of the blue, when you're thinking of something entirely different, you remember. And for a fleeting moment you're excited. Then reality sets in. Your idea sucks. It's not brilliant or elegant or even mildly clever. It happens to me all the time . . . and that's why you have this post instead of something far cooler.


Blogger Joe said...

I came across your blog the other day and I have to tell you that it is brilliant...or at least marginally clever. Several entries had me laughing - most notably the one about

4:31 PM

Blogger roger said...

Thank you. You are too kind and an excellent liar.

8:12 PM


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