Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I like me the recreational sports. I especially enjoy playing a variety of sports - to keep things interesting. I consider myself the poor, slow, overweight, uncoordinated, disproportionally-weak, pale and flat-footed man's Bo Jackson.

There really is no reason to keep reading this post. I played basketball and indoor soccer last night. As is the case around most parts, Cleveland has been experiencing an oppressive heat wave. And I sweated a lot last night, like really a lot. And I was thinking, there's gotta be a post in there somewhere, right? As it turns out, no. There's not really a post in there at all. Actually, there's very little to sweating through multiple shirts in one night. It just kind of happens and we're all better off not mentioning it again. But then I thought of the Bo Jackson thing and that's 24K gold and there's no way I'm keeping that off the blog. So, there you have it. That's how you ended up here, reading about my swamp ass. My apologies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And it was completely worth it.

1:39 PM

Blogger djn said...

You did change shirts periodically, didn't you? Please just say yes.

2:28 PM

Blogger NewYorkMoments said...

Swamp ass is all over these days.

7:26 PM

Blogger roger said...

Sarah: That's the spirit!

DJN: Yes, there were multiple shirts.

Ky: Does it make it better that I could have done that? Probably not.

NYM: It's not pretty, although it is MUCH cooler here today.

HDD: You don't want to know. But I'll tell you anyway. Just kidding.

7:02 AM


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