Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Netflix: The Falcon and the Snowman (1985)

The Falcon and the Snowman is a mid-80's flick about being a spy for the Soviets. Timothy Hutton is the man stealing the secrets while Sean Penn is the mule. Hutton vacillates his motives for selling secrets from "the US government is bad and the Russians will make everything all nice" and "wtf? why not?" Overall, a very ordinary movie. Except for the soundtrack. Wow. It was synthelicious!

Not that you care what I think - on to the fun stuff:

Every morning Sean Penn has to wake up and airbrush his beard. That adds like eight minutes to his "get ready" time.

Falcons evolved helmets nearly 50,000 years ago, in response to their propensity for running into shit with their heads.

Falcon cam! I guess this proves that in every species Hutton is Hotttt!

This guy is your lawyer. How soon do you jump bail?

Hutton recommends, "Don't waste your spyin' cash! Squirrel away your money for a rainy, CIA-y day."

It's hard for Timothy Hutton's girlfriend to focus on the matter at hand.

Finally, Ed, what does the White Thumb of Cinematic Justice say?


Blogger Hamrose said...

The lawyer with the 'stach looks like Burt Reynolds! Yeesh. were the hair styles really that bad then?

8:34 PM

Blogger NewYorkMoments said...

So, let me get this and the falcon think that Timothy Hutton is hot? Does themonica know about this?

7:40 AM

Blogger Joe said...

I'm with HDD on the car thing. That's the coolest thing I've seen in a long time. If I were Hutton, that's what I'd be spending my spy money on.

10:13 AM


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