Monday, December 12, 2005

probably because she doesn't want to talk to you

I get this call from "Private Number," which is usually one of my buddies, so I answer.

me: Hello.
Lady: May I speak with Susie Whatshertree?
me: She doesn't live here anymore.
suspiciousLady: Really? When did she move out?
me-Biographer: Oh, I don't know 9 months ago.
testyLady: Oh, is that right? Well, she left this number with us a couple of weeks ago as a contact number.
meAnnoyed: Well, ok, but she lived beneath me in a double house and she's gone now.
startingToGetSarcasticLady: Is that so? Well, let me give you our number so she can call us. And this call may be monitored for quality assurance.
mePatient: But she doesn't live here.
angeredLady: Why would she give us this number if she couldn't be reached here?
meThinking: I don't know.
feelingSmartLady: Well, let me know when you get that pen so you can take down our number.
meFearfulofLady;GrabbingPen: Ok. [It now makes me laugh that I agreed here.] But I should tell you that I don't talk to her.
seethingLady: Uh-huh and what is your name?
meSuspiciousButWTF: Roger ____.
surrenderingLady: Well, thank you Roger for your time.

This explains why I sometimes get calls for Susie Whatshertree. Some of them sound important too. Why can't she give out a 216-KL5-FAKE number like the rest of us?


Blogger kimmyk said...

chicken! shoulda hung up on her...or asked her her name and number ...

9:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny. My old upstairs neighbor did the same thing. They don't believe I'm not his girlfriend. But when they insist that I am I give them a pretty good imitation of what she sounded like when they had sex.

I probably need help.

2:49 AM

Blogger NewYorkMoments said...

It's because she has no imagination.

6:59 AM

Blogger Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

One of my old roommates had some, ahem, credit card troubles, and the collectors used to call and yell at me and call me by her name even though I insisted that I was not her.

8:32 AM

Blogger Joe said...

That's not a real number? I've always wondered why every woman I speak to appears to live in the same house.

10:00 AM

Blogger finally forgiving said...

my ex has been giving out my mother's home number and my work number -- it's been annoying as hell trying to convince them that he neither LIVES or WORKS at these numbers.

12:51 PM

Blogger roger said...

I totally chickened out. I have a high tolerance for being walked all over.

I don't know why my former neighbor singled me out when she could have just picked any random number.

And if I were a girl, there would be no way she believed me.

3:49 PM


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