my eyes water at the hilarity of it all!
Did you ever notice when you say something is "really funny" that indubitably you're not laughing? Laughing is our most precise indication of humor intake; let's not going changing that. If someone tells you a story and instead of laughing you say, "that's really funny," you're probably lying and you're basically denying hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution. How are you so high and mighty to think you can short-circuit all the evolving and gamma rays and whatnot that has led the species to this very moment, here at my blog? You might think you're better than Charles Darwin, but I don't. Phil Hartman - now he was better than Charles Darwin.
By the same token, I want more LOLing in the comments people. I actually received an email once where the message started, "Ha ha ha or I guess I should say LOL." He was actually replying to something that I sent, not sending an unsolicited email message mocking me. Speaking of, it has to be hard to stalk someone via email:
TO: Stalked
FROM: Stalker
RE: let's get this party started
*loud, deep breathing*
(pause for effect)
*repeat breathing*
TO: Stalked
FROM: Stalker
RE: FWD: RE: let's get this party started [spam filtered]
I think my last message got filtered as spam, but I'm watching you!
*loud, deep breathing*
LOLM (LOL maniacally)
TO: Stalked
FROM: Stalker2
RE: used to be "Stalker"
*loud, deep breathing*
I lost the password to my last account. I created a new email address just for you. I don't like to do this through work. Anyway, you looked hot last night.
*more breathing*
I don't know how dedicated you are in your stalking, but I would be exhausted an this point and would probably give it up. Who has the energy for all that work? I for one shun new obsessions and will instead rely on my old standby, cheese curls.
That's really funny.
3:38 PM
I can hear the laughter in your voice.
7:33 AM
Yes, Roger. I was laughing on the inside.
7:52 AM
how do you post a giggle? as I'm not really laughing, I'm just giggling enough to make my boobs bounce but not that shoulder hunch thing that's associated with full blown laughter.
9:47 AM
TH - tee-hee-ing? Not sure here.
3:33 PM
Even a hand on desk slap.
This one ranks as one of your funniest. Reminds of the story about the zoo - that was another of your hilarious ones too.
11:13 PM
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