Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Amazon's judgement cometh and that right soon.

So maybe I enjoy fatty foods . . .

I was greeted with the following during a recent visit to Amazon.

HeartStart Defibrillator: A Life-Saving Device
Be prepared for sudden cardiac arrest with HeartStart. In the crucial minutes when you're waiting for the ambulance, increase the chances of saving a loved one's life with the first heart defibrillator available for home use without a prescription.

In their defense, my cookie was gone (i.e. I wasn't logged in) and they didn't "know" it was me. Though, I wonder what product searches would trigger Amazon's omniscient "watcher" suggesting a defibrillator . . . maybe this or this or this (We win!)?

Anyway, I love the “without a prescription line”. Defibrillator requiring a subscription, might hinder the whole quick-response premise of the device.

Guy Having a Heart Attack: Oh, my god, my heart’s fibrillating!
Heart Attack Guy’s Wife: Oh no! I’ll get the HeartStart Defibrillator. It’s a life-saving device and all.
>>Wife gets defibrillator.<<
Guy: Hurry up woman! This smarts.
Wife: It’s prescription only dear. I'm on hold with the doctor.
Guy: Call the insurance company to see if we need pre-approval.


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