Monday, December 20, 2004

And you are?

I, like most of the email world, get plenty of spam in my "personal" account. I get plenty of junk at my work address too, but that's beside the point. A lot of the names are great fun. I can only assume they are being created by some sort of dictionary based bot forever creating accounts and sending emails (I think there are whole blogs created in much the same way, in order to increase link counts?) . . . Will Smith would not be pleased. Oh, you didn't see I, Robot? Well, I only saw a few minutes but I quickly gathered that Will Smith DOES NOT want to get jiggy with any bots, internet based or otherwise.

At any rate, I plan to post some of my favorites from time to time. These are actual "senders" of emails I have received. And if you don't believe me, I swear I couldn't have made these up as I was never very good at Mad-Libs.

Here are the first few:

Rowdier T. ShackletonNotorious soccer hooligan.
Invaded V. WalleyeSick and wrong
Lover M. KnockoutThat's what she said.


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