midget? dwarf? lachey? You decide!
A friend of mine met Nick Lachey. I was sent the picture evidence:

(Her identity has been protected by the giant smiley face.)
Immediately upon seeing this picture (minus the smiley), I thought, "Dang. That Nick Lachey is small!" I mean, really. The rather happy girl he's pictured with isn't tall, by any stretch of the imagination. To give you an idea of how tiny he is, consider an artist's representation of the two of us, side-by-side:

(Lachey kicks and bites when you get him in a hold like that; that's why I'm so pissed. Those pants are boss though.)
That's the whole point of this post really - none. I know that I will never be as rich, successful or handsome as Nick Lachey. But I will always be able to score items off the top shelf at the grocery store, while Nick will have to stand on the prostrate body of whomever happens to be his personal assitant that week.
Oh, I don't know. Cutthroat Roger is pretty hot.
9:07 AM
Sure...but does Nick Lachey have a blog? And if he does, does it even begin to compare to Marginally Clever? I think not, Roger.
9:28 AM
Good thing you've been working out!
7:45 PM
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